Setting SMART Financial Goals

Learn how to set realistic and achievable goals by using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) goal method. We’ll get you started by:

Teaching you how to turn your financial dream into manageable goals by breaking the dream into smaller pieces so that it’s no longer out of reach.

Setting you up with our goal-setting worksheet so you can: 

  1. Identify your financial dream.
  2. Turn that dream into an achievable goal.
  3. Make a list of steps to reach that goal and make a schedule for those steps.
  4. Understand what behaviors you need to change or adopt to help complete those steps.

Providing you with examples of SMART financial goals to help you create your own.

Interactive Lesson on SMART Goals

Helpful Goal Setting Resources

Oppu Goal Setting Timeframe Worksheet:

UWCA Goal Planning Worksheet:

SMART Goals Worksheet:

Track your own SMART Goals!

Visit your personal dashboard to create & track your SMART Goals.

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