Finding Your Motivation
When creating a goal, one of the first things you should identify is your motivation. Figuring out why you want to accomplish what you are doing will help drive you towards your goal, especially when you hit roadblocks along the way.
1. Discover Your Why
Start by asking yourself questions that get to the core of your goal. Why do you want to accomplish this goal? How will it help you in the future? Why is it important to you? Dig deeper and envision what this accomplishment will look like in different aspects of your life.
2. Create a Mental Picture of Your Future
Once you’ve thought about your why, create a mental picture of what your life will look like when your goal is accomplished. Will you have less stress? Have more time with your family? Feel healthier? Taking the time to create a mental picture will provide more motivation than just having a checklist of items to complete.
3. Remember That the Road to Success is Not a Straight Line
It’s normal to hit roadblocks along the way when working towards your goals. You may find that you have a lot more motivation at the beginning, then lose interest as time goes on. Don’t feel defeated when you’ve hit a slump. Remind yourself of your motivation and your big why to get back on track.
4. Be True to Yourself
Your why is personal to you. Between family, friends, social media, and society, there are so many things you feel you have to do. While these voices may help give you ideas or motivation, it’s important to remember that your motivation is unique to you.
5. Check in on Your Progress
Depending on your goal, it may take time to get there. Create reminders to see how you’re working towards your goals. We recommend writing a sticky note somewhere visible in your home or creating a calendar reminder in your phone.
Be okay with adjusting your goal and knowing that there may be times it’s harder to work towards your goal. The important thing is to stick with it. Don’t give up, but pick up where you left off.